Product Naming

Naming Process

Step 1: Unless a style is intended to be a long lifespan franchise, use a generic name 

  • New Names: can start with an existing adidas name, but must include Name + Category i.e., Headwear for search

Step 2:  Google the heck out of it

  • General search
  • By product category/type
  • By sport
  • By key competitors 
  • If any of the above use the proposed style name, do not use it and search for a new one
  • If the above is clear, then go to Step 3 and Step 4

Step 3:  Search US Patent & Trademark Site (

  • Click on Trademark Tab at the top of the page

A trademark is a brand name. A trademark or service mark includes any word, name, symbol, device, or combination used or intended to be used to identify and distinguish the goods/services of one seller or provider from those of others and to indicate the source of the goods/services.

  • Click on Search Trademark Database (TESS)

  • Use Search Options 
    • Basic Word Mark and Browse Dictionary are the most relevant for word searches
    • Click on the individual search results to determine if a conflict exists
    • Start searching with the product name and then search with relevant descriptors like product type
    • Use the Help button for tips 

Step 4:  Search Trademarkia site

  • Type in the full proposed name in the search bar i.e., Prime Backpack (include the category)
  • If you see Registered or Pending  = Do not use
  • If it is not Registered or Pending = Use AND take a screenshot + date stamp of search input into PTC (reference PTC “How To” guide)

Step 5: Upload screenshot to PTC

  1. Navigate to the product and click "Documents"
  2. Click the "+" to the right of "Product: Associated Reference Documents"
  3. Click "Brief"
  4. Complete the required Fields marked with an asterisk (*)
  5. Click "Choose File" and upload the screenshot

Step 6: Agron to confirm where applicable to trademark Franchise Names