Packaging Process

GOAL – to have line sheet in PTC up to date at all times with brief and correct LP# for the style/season. To all review, understand, and agree on the brief.  Trust Marketing to give a clear and accurate brief, Design to make correct artwork and maintain Vibe and PTC, and Development to develop tags with supplier and update BOMs. 

ZONE 1 – Marketing enters brief in PTC including seasonal updates (ex. logo updates, technology changes) and new concept for packaging (ex. Golf, river rat, 2 ways to wear).

CSO- new concept packaging artwork is presented at CSO in Vibe.  

TEAM BRIEF MEETING (update) – Marketing updates brief in PTC then team meets after CSO once styles are finalized to review all bullet points or packaging requirements from PTC that marketing has created. 

ARTWORK CHECK – Design adds packaging artwork to Vibe, teams approve artwork together based on Design designated cadence using Vibe.   Sign off on art, technology, typos, layout, final bullets. 

MKTG FINAL SIGNOFF - Marketing final signoff with BM’s/ LJ/Wade/ Jason (if needed) prior to design spec deadline on new concepts only.

CR0- present mockup on samples of final approved art. 

DESIGN SPEC – Design adds all approved artwork/spec files to PTC and updates line sheet with “new LP#”. Design sends all files to Development in a zip drive to send tosupplier.  Typically design spec deadlinewill be between CSO and CR0.

DEVELOPMENT SPEC – Development sends the marketing approvedfiles to supplier, add packaging to BOMs and generates techs pack for factoryreference. 

APPROVAL SAMPLES – Development receives samples fromsupplier, comments, and updates status in PTC. Share with team and review any discrepancies.

**Please see Smart Sheet for calendar dates.



·      If you reference or use an existing LP# in brief, you must open that LP# artwork in PTC to make sure you’re referring to the correct LP#.  

      • To open file in PTC à go into current season BOM, select all 4 drop-downs noted below (season, source, specification, product colorway), click on hangtag item, open AI file to view artwork.  Don’t trust the thumbnail to proof.

·      Be specific. If you list an LP# in the brief, specify if you want to use that exact one or make changes to it (reference vs. use)

·      Use consistent bullet language for the same bullet

·      Make sure you’re using consistent language across all brandmarks

·      Brief needs to be updated to reflect changes/updates at any point in the season

·      When a style is carried over late in the season, update style with brief and review with Design

·      Check artwork in Vibe with team in weekly meetings


·      In PTC line sheet view, type in the new LP# correctly in the ‘new LP#’ column

·      Check that file attached to PTC LP# is there and correct

·      Thumbnails need to show correct artwork

·      Check artwork in Vibe with team in weekly meetings

·      Maintain development spec out folder without line files


·      Send design’s artwork files to supplier to develop

·      Update BOMs with correct packaging, send to factory

·      Maintain supplier and status info in PTC

·      Check samples against artwork in PTC