Cost Sheet Uploader - N2

Costsheet FOB Uploader  

  1. This document shows how to export and upload Cost sheet FOB data in bulk. 

    Go to Line sheet of a season and select View as  “FOB uploader - View”. 

  2. Click on “Options” button to expand Line Sheet Options. 
  3. In Options select level :  Colorway , and select Placeholder: Product Only. 
  4. Check “Include All Sources” and “Include All Active Cost Sheets” 
  5. If you want for a specific filter then click on filter in the option page and select. 
  6. Click on Apply button to get the results. 

  1. Right click any column in result page then export the data in “.xlsx” format. 

  1. Open that excel file and insert first column set name as Season Name, and give the season as below format. You can set the template name anything. 

9.    Go to the Utilities and select the Excel Uploader, select the Data Set as FOB Loader and choose the costsheet FOB uploader file on your directory. 

10. Click on ignore blank cell “box” and then click on Load. Pop-up will come to show “Your request is being processed” click on that OK button. 

11.Then next pop-up will show “Data load summary send by email, Please check your email”. Click on okay and go to your mail, one “.csv” file attached with that mail open it and see your out put. 

Type of Messages in Error Code Column 

  1. If we give incorrect size in excel that output will come “invalid size” in error code. 
  2. If BASE FOB is updated successfully in PLM value, then it will show “updated successfully” message.  
  3. “Base FOB is same” message will come if user tries to update same base fob value which is present in system already. 
  4. On create of new costsheet, It will show “Created Successfully”. 
  5. “Failed” count in the email describes the number of rows in which status is Invalid Size.