PTC Tips and Tricks - N2



FlexPLM treats * as a wild card for search. It can be prefixed or suffixed(or both)to a string to search for objects matching a portion or whole of that string. Only a * gets all the results. For ex. *gron will search all objects whose search field ends with “gron”. A search for agr* will return all the records which begin with “agr”. An *gro* will return all the results which contain *gro*. This search is case-insensitive meaning *gro* and *GRO* will return same results. 


Header wild card search 


  1. On the header page Product (Work #) can be searched by entering the asterisk (*) and click on search icon or hit Enter button. 



  1. The page is navigated to Search results for Product Library page and will result in all the Products in the system. 



  1. Similarly search can be performed by entering a portion of Work # followed by asterisk (*). As in below screen shot, results starting with search parameter (1021) are shown. 




  1. Another search can be performed by entering asterisk (*) followed by portion of a search characters. As in below screen shot, results ending with search characters (012) are shown. 



  1. If we are unsure of the complete search name we can give the search value in between asterisks so that it shows all the records containing the search characters anywhere in the name. For example in below screen shot search results for characters (*012*) are shown. 




  1. Similarly the header wildcard search can be performed for all the other header search options such as Product, Color, Material, Season, and Colorways and so on. Product search is as shown below. 


  1. Apart from Work # and Article # fields, all other search options will search on the objects name. For ex, product = *Climalite* would search on all the products which have climate in their name. 
  2. This search is case insensitive i.e. if you search for *climalite* or *CLIMALITE* or *Climalite* it would return the same results. 

Library wild card search 


  1. On the library search page for wildcard search can be performed by entering the asterisk (*) and click on search button. The wild card search can be used in one or more test fields. Here we are using Material Library to show some scenarios. The same applies for other library objects. 



  1. The page is navigated to Search results for Material Library page and will result in all the Materials Name starting with search Name (100%) in the system for the type Knit. 



  1. User can enter wildcards on any number of attributes of type Text, Derived String and Text Area only. It does not work for other attribute types. 
  2. If we are unsure of the complete search name we can give the search value in between asterisks so that it shows all the records containing the search characters anywhere in the name. For example in below screen shot search results for characters (*KN*) are shown for agronRef# are shown. 


BOM Editor wild card search 


  1. In the BOM Editor page, Materials can be searched faster by using the wild card search such as (:*)  followed by pressing tab on the keyboard 



  1. Results of all materials will be shown as a pop up to choose from as in below screen shot. 


  1. If the part of the Material Name is known which needs to be added to BOM row then we can search by entering (:*search name*) followed by tab press. In below example all the Materials containing polyester in material name are displayed. 



  1. The results are shown as a pop to choose from. 



  1. Colors can also be search by using :* followed by tab press 







  1. Similarly Colors can be search by using :*search name* followed by tab press 



  1. Click on the image of the Editor Help button (Question mark)on the BOM editor page as below. It shows some more shortcuts on BOM editor which can be helpful for you. 



Add to Favorites 


  1. User can add Product/Colorway to Favorites so that they can access them easily in quick time from the next login to PTC system. 
  2. Navigate to any Product or Colorway which you would like to add as favorites. Click on the star icon as shown below to Add product to ‘My Favorites’ 



  1. Click on Add as shown below after choosing the Colorway from drop down to Add colorway to ‘My Favorites’ 




  1. Navigate to any library material to Add material to ‘My Favorites’ as shown in below screen shot. 



  1. Once the page is refreshed or in the next login the Product, Colorway and Material are added to Favorites in the left pane as shown below for quick access. 



  1. Select the check box and click on Remove button to remove the objects from favorites.