Copy BOM from Clipboard

Date Created: 05/13/2020

Once the Product is Carried Over from a Season and we need to use the BOM information from previous season. In order to facilitate this, we can use the “Copy BOM from Clipboard” functionality. This allows us to use the BOM which was created and used for other Products without having to start all over from the beginning again.

Below mentioned are the steps to Copy a BOM from Clipboard

  1. Navigate to the source Product from where you want to copy the BOM. Select the Season, Source and Specification.- Go to Specification->Materials tab.

- BOM details tab will be opened. Choose the BOM from list.

  1. Click on the icon next to Actions drop down to copy this bill of material to Product.

  1. New tab opens showing the list of components selected in clip board.

  1. Make sure the BOM you are willing to copy is the only component selected. If you have multiple components copied, they would all show up on your clipboard and you have to exclusively delete them by clicking on delete icon(X).

  1. Once the BOM is selected and copied to clip board, navigate to Destination Season-Product->Source ->Specification tab

Navigate to Materials tab of the destination Specification.

*Select the proper source and Specification.

  1. There are 2 ways to Paste the BOM as shown below.

  1. Option 1 - Paste all Product Information
    1. When we click on Paste all Product Information, it opens the new window containing the list of components to be copied. Select the BOM and click on Complete button

  1. The BOM is directly copied and page is navigated to BOM details tab as shown below.

  1. Then update the BOM by clicking on the Update button and click on Edit BOM header attributes and, the BOM needs to show the correct season in the name.

  1. Make the changes to the header attribute and then Save and Check in BOM.*Enter the mandatory general attributes (Development Stage, Season Reference, Year Reference) as per the new season

  1. Option 2 - Initialize from clipboard BOMS
    1. Choose the BOM from Clipboard BOMS drop down and click on Initialize button. On select Colorways window, select the colorways and click on Select button


  1. Initialize existing BOM page opens. Here user has the option to Update/change the fields as per new Season and click on Save button.

  1. On click of Save BOM Editor page is opened allowing the user to modify/add/delete the BOM rows and Click on Save and Check In button.

  1. User is navigated to BOM details tab with new BOM created. 

  1. NOTE: Copy BOM from clipboard option creates a new BOM which is a copy of old BOM from older season’s product. Any modifications done to the newly copied BOM will not reflect in the old BOM.

Key Points

  1. Every time the BOM is updated or modified with changes, always click on Save and Check In button to avoid losing the changes and avoid BOM being in checked out state.Or alternatively click on Save to save the changes and then click on Close Editor button.

  1. The “Save” button saves only your copy of the BOM, it will not be available to anyone else unless you “save and check in”.
  2. Do not come out of the BOM editor page without clicking on Save, Close Editor or save and Check In button. In this case, the BOM will be still checked out by you, and only you can be able to edit it.
  3. When a BOM is checked out state as shown below, it will not allow any other users to update the BOM apart from the user who checked out the BOM. Update button will be disabled until the BOM is checked in.

Screenshot - 12_20_2015 , 3_07_25 PM

  1. The last modified changes will not be considered for the Tech Pack generation if the BOM is in Check out state.
  1. Do NOT use the option “AddExisting Components” or “Link Components from Existing Product” on the Specification Summary page. As this will only link the components from previous season’s products. Any modification made to the linked BOM will reflect the changes in both new as well as old seasons BOM’s.