Size Definition Management

Date Created: 5/5/2020

Adding Product Size Definition for new Product

  1. Navigate to the Product for which the new Size Definition needs to be added.
  2. From the Product summary page click on Specifications tab -> Sizing tab.
  3. Sizing page will be shown with Product Size Definition tab selected. It is mandatory to select Season.

  1. Click on Add New Product Size Definition tab.

  1. Choose the template for adding the new Product Size Definition either by quick search option or normal search option.
  • Quick Search can be performed by typing asterisk (*) as shown below

  • Normal search is performed by clicking on Create From Size Definition Template hyperlink which opens a new search window to perform the search and choose the template.

  1. The template is selected. Now click on Add Product Size Definition button.

  1. Create Product Size Definition page is opened. Size values and Article suffixes are automatically added.

  1. If more than one size values are selected then Article Suffix values also have to be added accordingly as in below screen shot.  Add or remove the sizes as per the need. Article Suffixes values also have to be assigned as per the sizes chosen and should match to the number of sizes added. This is a mandatory step, if they are not matching then please contact Marketing Team.

  1. Now click on Create button on the top right corner.
  2. The page is returned to Product Size Definition (PSD) tab showing the newly created PSD with Season Name added as in below screen shot.

Note: There should not be more than one Product Size Definition for a Product-Season. If so please delete the one which is not required.Adding existing Product Size Definition to season

  1. Make sure there is no Product Size Definition for this Product-Season.

  1. Click on Add PSD to Season from Action drop down as shown below

  1. A new window opens to select the Product Size Definition. Click the check box and then click in Select button.

  1. The page is refreshed and Product Size Definition is added to Season.

Modifying Product Size Definition for Carry over product

When a Product is carried over to new season, Product Size Definition is also carried over to new season, and Older Season MOA table data copied to SKU-Size Product Definition table including Article# and UPC Number. If users require adding or removing sizes to the Product Size Definition of the new season product then following the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the product for which the Size Definition is added to the newly carried over season.
  2. From the Product summary page click on Specifications tab -> Sizing tab.
  3. Sizing page will be shown with Product Size Definition tab selected. Select the new season.

  1. From the Actions drop down click on View.

  1. Verify if the Product Size Definition is fine for the new season with respect to Size 1 Values and Article Suffix values as shown below. If it requires a change (adding or removing sizes) then update the Product Size Definition as explained in below section.

  1. Once the PSD is updated with correct Article Suffix values and confirmed by Marketing Team, Update the colorway again and check the UPC number and Article Number populated on SKU-Size table with the new size and Unique UPC Number will be allocated for each size as shown below.

Updating Product Size Definition (Adding/Removing) sizes

Adding new size to existing Product Size Definition

  1. Go to Sizing page, Product Size Definition tab is selected. 

  1. Select Season if it is not already selected. There are 4 sizes to Size 1 Values (S, M, L, XL) as shown below. Now let us add another size XXL to this Product Size Definition.

  1. From Actions drop down click on Update.

  1. In the Update Product Size Definition page, add the new Size XXL and corresponding Seasonal Size1 and Size 2 values.

  1. Once the sizes are added, click on Save button.

  1. The page is returned to the view Product Size Definition page and the values are updated with new sizes as shown below.It is mandatory to update the Article Suffix values as per size addition or removal, please contact Marketing Team for this.

  1. The same can be seen in the Product Size Definition tab as shown below. Click on Product Size Definition table and the SKU-Size table is generated for each colorway and sizing combination except Article# and UPC Number.

Re assign Article and UPC Number to SKU Sizes in case of New Size/ Size1 and article suffix is added in PSD and Article number/UPC number is already assigned

  1. Update each colorways and Mark as Assigned = No and again, update the colorways and Mark assigned = Yes then check the UPC Number and Article number is added to the SKU Sizing table for the added size for each colorway as shown below.

Removing Size from existing Product Size Definition

  1. From the Actions drop down click on Update.
  2. Update Product Size Definition page opens. Add or Remove sizes as per the requirement. 
  1. Size XXL is removed for reference as in below screen shot. Click on size XXL from “Chosen” List and click on Remove or double click on XXL size.

  1. Size XXL is removed from Seasonal Size 1 values as shown in below screen shot.

  1. But if this size is added to any of the cost sheet of this Product then system does not allow us to remove the size from Product Size Definition. A red error is shown.

  1. In this case the Cost sheet has to be updated to remove the Size from Size1 value filed.

  1. In both the cases of Adding or Removing Size, Article Suffix values also need to be added accordingly. It is mandatory to update the Article Suffix values as per size addition or removal, please contact Marketing Team for this.
  2. The Sizes and Article Suffix values are considered for UPC Article Number MOA table population on the update of Colorway. Any new sizes added or removed will be updated accordingly in MOA table, which in turn are sent to ERP system. So, it is important to have the Product Size Definition updated correctly without any mismatches.

Cleaning up wrong Product Size Definitions

Adding season less Product Size Definition to Season

A season less Product Size definition is the one which is created at Product level and is not added to any of the seasons. We can find this by following below steps.

  1. Go to Sizing page of the Product. Product Size Definition tab is selected. Do not select Season, Source and Specification. And select the view to None as shown below.

  1. If there is any Product Size Definition with Season Name field as blank then this is a season less Product Size Definition as shown in below screen shot.

  1. This Product Size Definition can be added to a season provided there is no other Product Size definition already added to the season you are willing to add.
  1. Select the season for which you would like to add the existing Product Size Definition.

  1. Make sure there are no Product Size Definition for this season.

  1. Click on Add PSD to Season from Action drop down as shown below

  1. A new window opens to select the Product Size Definition. Click the check box and then click in Select button.

  1. The page is refreshed and Product Size Definition is added to Season.

  1. Now if you unselect the season the Product Size Definition which was created at Product level is added to season and is seen as below.

  1.  This way we can avoid the Product Size Definition a Product level.

Deleting season less Product Size Definition

There should not be any season less Product Size Definition.

  1. Navigate to the Product for which the Size Definition needs to be deleted either by using header quick search options.

Enter the work# and click on search icon as shown below

  1. From the Product summary page navigate to the Sizing tab by clicking Sizing on the left pane.

  1. Sizing page will be shown with Product Size Definition tab selected. No need to select Season, Source, Specification or Colorway.

If any view is selected, then click on the View icon and unselect the view to None.

  1. Once the view is selected to None it appears as below screen shot where in there is one Product Size Definition at Product level which needs to be deleted.

  1. Click on the Actions drop down and click on Delete.

  1. The page reloads and the Product Size Definition at Product level is deleted.

Do’s & Dont's

  1. Always select a season before adding PSD.
  2. Never create a new PSD if you want to add a size, first search if a product size definition exists.
  3. When a PSD is being updated make sure the number of sizes and Article Suffix values are matching, if not contact Marketing Team to add the Article Suffix values accordingly.

Creating new Size Definition Templates

  1. Navigate to the Library->Size Definition.
  1. Size Definition Hierarchy opens up. Let’s consider Underwear Type for creating new Size Definition Template as an example in further section. Click on Underwear type.
  1. Size Definition template page will open as shown below. System lists all the existing Size Definition Templates for underwear type. Before you create a new one, validate if you already have a Size Definition Template. If not then create a new one.

  1. Creating new Size Definition requires Size Category and Full-Size Ranges. If system already has Size Category and Full-Size Range then ignore steps 4.1 and 4.2.
    1. New Size Category creation
      1. Click on New button below Size Categories.
      2. Create Size Category page opens. Enter the Size Category name and click on Create button.
      3. Size Category is created and is seen the drop down.
    2. New Full-Size Ranges creation
      1. Click on New button below Full-Size Ranges.
      2. Create Full Size Range page opens. Enter the Full-Size Range Name, Labels and Values.
      3. Once all the fields are entered, click on Create button.
      4. Full Size Range is created and is seen the drop down.
  1. Select the Size Category and Full Size Range from pull down values and Click on New button for creating the Size Definition Templates.
  1. Create Size Definition Template page opens. Validate the template and click on Create button.It is important to enter the Article Suffix values to the newly created Size Definition template. Please contact Marketing team to update the Article Suffix values or if the Development team has permission enter the Article suffix values.
  1. New Size Definition template is created for Underwear type as shown below.