Sample Management (Lab Dips, Fit Samples, etc.)

Date Created: 05/15/2020

Steps to Create New Color Development Request


  1. Material should have supplier added.
  2. Material-Supplier should have colors added.

Below are the steps to create a new color development request for a Material Supplier

  1. Go to Material for which you would like to create a new color development request.  Go to Colors tab and select the Supplier.

  1. Select the Colors for which you would like to create color development request and from Material Color Action drop down select option “Create New Color Development Request”.

  1. A new window opens to with rows equivalent to number of colors chosen. Fill the required attribute information and click on Save button.
  1. Message will be shown after creation as below.  Close the window.

  1. Check the Include Sample to see the new samples created. 

  1. This is how a new color development sample requests are created.

Updating Color Development Sample RequestIndividual Sample Update

  1. Go to Material->Colors tab. Select Supplier and check in Include Sample to see the Samples.

  1. Click on the Sample which you would like to Update.

  1. In View Sample Request page, select Update option from Actions drop down.

  1. Update the attribute information as required and can be Approved/Cancelled/Rejected by setting the Sample Status accordingly. Click on Save button.

  1. The Sample is updated and page is returned to View Sample Request page.

Multi Sample Update

  1. Multiple Samples can be update at once by using the option Update from the Action drop down as shown below.

  1. The attribute fields can be updated accordingly and Saved.
  1. Also, Mass Change can be performed if required for those attributes which are Mass changeable.

  1. Once the values are filled using fill column click on Save button to save the changes. Example shown for Lab dip Status field.

  1. Changes are saved as shown below.

Rejecting a Sample

When a sample is rejected a new sample is created for that color automatically. (This is customization done on the sample)

  1. Update the Sample either by using individual update or multi update options shown above.
  2. Set the Sample Status to Rejected as shown below and Click on Save button.

  1. The system creates another Sample (Sample -2 in below case) for the same Color.

 Searching samples from Library

  1. Go to Library->Sample. Find Sample page will open.

  1. Choose the Type of Sample you would like to search for. Color Development Samples search shown in below example. You can narrow down the search by choosing the Material Type, Supplier Type or Color Type also.

  1. Alternatively use attributes to narrow down the search as shown below.

  1. Click on the Search button to see the results.

  1. Search results are shown as in the below screen shot.
  1. The results can be exported to Excel or pdf by clicking on Export to Excel or Export to PDF icon respectively.

  1. Only the number of records currently shown in search results will be exported. In the above screen shot only 50 records will be exported as search results showed only 50 in the page.
  2. In order to export all the records of search results (i.e.  888 in above case) click on Show All icon first.
  1. All the results of the search criteria are shown. Now click on Export To Excel or Export To PDF icon to successfully export all the records.

Mass update samples from the sample Library

  1. Repeat steps 1-5 of “Searching samples from Library” section.
  2. Click on Update Results.

  1. Update Search results option is available now. In order to Mass update samples click on Mass Change button.

  1. Enter the value for which Mass change needs to be performed and click on Fill Column button to fill the value for all the rows.

  1. Once the Mass changes are made click on Save button.Note: Mass Change can be done for all the attributes which are made Mass changeable from Type Manager
  1. Please wait while the system is processing the request. It may take time based on the number of records selected for Mass Update. It is recommended to not Mass update more than 50 at a time.

Request New Fit SamplePrerequisites:

  1. Specification should be created for a source.
  2. Product Size Definition should already be created for Product and Season.
  3. Measurement Set should be created.

Below are the steps to create a new fit sample

  1. Navigate to the Product for which new fit sample needs to be requested.
  2. From the Product summary page click on Specifications tab -> Measurements tab.
  3. Measurements page will be shown with Add New Measurement Set tab selected. Make sure Season, Source and Specification are selected.
  4. Now go to Request New Fit Sample section as shown below.

  1. Select the Sample Type and click on “Request New Fit Sample” button

  1. Create New Sample Request page will open.
  1. Enter the values for the attributes accordingly and click on Create button as shown in below screen shot.

  1. The page is navigated to Update Sample Request page. Enter the Fit information as required
  2. Check the Details tab information once again to see if everything is entered correctly and click on Save button.

  1. New Fit Samples are created and this can be seen in Approval->Fit tab.