Create New Colorways / Assign (Adopt) a Color

Date Created: 4/27/2020

New colorway creation process

In order to create new colorway, users need to follow the below process.

  1. Go to the product and season in which you want to create a new colorway. From the details tab of the product choose the option “Create Colorway” from Actions drop down.

  1. Fill the attribute information as required and click on Save button.

  1. Enter Colorway-Season attributes and click on Save and View Product button.

  1. Colorways is created with.

  1. Article # will be blank until the colorways Assigned attribute value is checked to Yes.

  1. The colorway can be adopted later stage when it is ready, then the Article # also will be assigned along with UPC Article Number MOA population as shown below.

Updating Colorway for Article Number assignment and SKU-Size Definition table population

  1. Go to Product details page and choose the Colorway which needs to be assigned. Click on Update Colorway option from Actions drop down.

  1.  Update Colorway page is opened. Check the Assigned value and Click on Save button.

  1. On Save of colorway Article # is assigned as shown below.Article # is a unique value assigned for each colorway from pre-loaded set of values stored in Business Object\Article Number.
  1. Also UPC Article Number SKU-Size Product Definition table  table is populated as shown once the Colorway is assigned.
  • Sizes: The number of rows for UPC Article Number MOA table is defined by the number of sizes chosen for Seasonal Size 1 Values of colorway’s latest season’s Product Size Definition.  These sizes are assigned to Size column in MOA table.

  • Article#: in Product Sku-Size Definition table is formed by Article # value of the colorway followed by the Article Suffix values of the each sizes as defined in Product Size Definition of colorway’s latest season. Article # + Article Suffix
  • UPC #: is a unique value assigned for each row of Product SKU-Size Definition table from pre-loaded set of values stored in Business Object\UPC Code.

Updating Article Suffix values for Product Size Definition

When a colorway is newly created or carried over to a product-season it is important to check the Article Suffix values for the Product Size Definition as it is a Marketing function. Article Suffix values should never be blank for sizes other than OSFA.

Article Suffix blank

  1. Navigate to the Sizing tab of the Product-Season for which colorway is created or carried over.

  1. From the Actions drop-down of Product Size Definition, click on View option. A new tab is opened for viewing Product Size Definition details.

  1. As shown above the Article Suffix values are empty. So it needs to be updated firstly.
  2. From Actions drop click on Update option.
  1. In Update Product Size Definition page add the Article Suffixes values corresponding to the number of Sizes in Alphabetical order (Capital letters only). In the instance below 3 sizes(S, M, L) are added so 3 Article Suffix values (A, B, C) need to be added.
  1. Once the sizes are added click on Save button.
  1. Article Suffix values are added equivalent number of Sizes.

Article Suffix not matching to Sizes

  1. Navigate to the Sizing tab of the Product-Season for which colorway is created or carried over.

  1. From the Actions drop down of Product Size Definition, click on View option. A new tab is opened for viewing Product Size Definition details.

  1. As shown above the Article Suffix values are not matching to the number of Sizes added. So Product Size Definition needs to be updated.
  2. From Actions drop click on Update option.
  1. In Update Product Size Definition page add the Article Suffixes values corresponding to the number of Sizes in Alphabetical order (Capital letters only). In the instance below 3 sizes(S, M and L) are added so 3 Article Suffix values (A, B, and C) need to be added.
  1. Once the sizes are added click on Save button.
  1. Article Suffix values are added equivalent number of Sizes.