
Date Created: 4/29/2022

Last Modified: 4/29/2022

Author: Acnovate


  1. Specification should be created for a source.
  2. Product Size Definition should already be created for Product and Season.

Steps to create Measurement Set

  1. Navigate to the Product for which the Measurement Set needs to be created.
  2. From the Product summary page click on Specifications tab -> Measurements tab.
  3. Measurements page will be shown with Add New Measurement Set tab selected. Make sure Season, Source and Specification are selected.

  1. Enter the below fields to create a Measurement Set
  2. Measurement Set name should be given same as Product Name
  3. Choose the Measurement Template from the list of available templates
  4. Choose the Product Size Definition from the drop-down list

  1. Click on Create button.

  1. Edit Measurement Set page is opened. Make the appropriate changes to the Measurement Set and Grade rules if applicable. Select Status as Active.
  2. Also, Unit of Measure (UOM) can be changed as required. By default, in (inches) is selected. Click on Save & Check In button.

  1. The page navigated to the Measurement Set Details tab showing the new measurement set created.
  2. The name of the Measurement Set is same as Product Name prefixed with 001: 

  1. In View Measurement page also Display Mode can be changed as desired. But changing Unit of Measure here will not save the changes every time this measurement is loaded. It is only for viewing. If required to see always a different Unit of Measure then Update and Save the Measurement with a different unit of measure.

Note:  Unit of Measure needs to be selected during the Tech pack generation again as per how you would like to see. By default, it would be selected in inches (in). 

Steps to copy Measurement Set

  1. Navigate to the Product from which the Measurement Set needs to be copied.
  2. From the Product summary page click on Specifications tab -> Measurements tab. Select season, source and specification.

  1. Measurement Set Details tab will be opened as shown in above screen shot.
  2. From the Actions drop of Measurement Set, click on Copy to Clipboard option.

  1. A new window is opened with the Measurement Set copied to clipboard.

Ensure only the component you want to copy is selected. If any other components are selected then delete them by clicking on delete icon(X).

  1. Close the window.
  2. Now go the Destination Product where you would like to copy the Measurement Set.
  3. From the Product summary page click on Specifications tab -> Measurements tab. select season, source and specification.

  1. Ensure the same Product Size Definition exists on Destination Product as that of Source Product.

  1. Now go to Measurements tab and Choose the Measurement set which was copied from clipboard of the source product from the Clipboard Measurement Set list as shown in below screen shot.

  2. Once chosen the Measurement Set, Enter the Measurement Set Name and click on Create button.

  1. Validate or modify the attributes accordingly and click on Save & Check In button.

  1. Measurement Set is created for Destination product which is a copy of Source product Measurement Set as shown below.