Using the AI Plugin

Created: June 2, 2020


  1. Colorway letters should be entered in PTC before colorboard is uploaded
  2. Open 3x3 grid (Mookie/PUBLIC/Templates/NEW PTC TEMPLATES/3x3 enlarged grid.ait)
  3. Place CAD drawings on colorboard and fit height or width of the cell
  4. Save the file on Mookie


  • Launch Illustrator
  • Open Flex PLM Design Suite from AI Window

  • Click Version Check

  • Login to PTC when prompted
  • If you see 4 green checkmarks, you are good to proceed.  Click “OK”.  If you do not see four green checkboxes, validate that your username and password are properly set in the “Settings” section


  • Click “Image Page” then “Create New”

  • Enter the Work # to which you are attaching the art
  • Double Click the Correct Product
  • Select Images Page “Adidas” and click “OK”
  • Select the Season, Source, and Spec (if available) and click “Next”
  • Click “Next”
  • Enter all required fields on the General Attributes page and click “Create”.  For Page Layout, select the bottom right box for a 3x3 grid (colorboard) or the top left box for a 1x1 page (all others)
  • Load the Image Page
    1. Drag and Drop colorway into the image pane
    2. If you do not want to drag & drop you can select the art and then click the “Assign to Image Page Cell” button
    3. Double Click the colorway you just loaded
    4. In the Cell Comments box, enter the colorway letter
    5. Click “Set as Product Thumbnail” if you want the colorway to be the product thumbnail for the work #
    6. Select the art you want to show as the image page thumbnail
    7. When everything is set click the “Publish” button and the document will be saved and check-in

  • The document will be checked into PTC in the background.  If you made an error and need to edit the file, you must ensure the document is checked in.  At the top of a Mac screen, there is either a Green or a Red Dot.  If you click and open this dot the logs will become visible.  With the logs, you can see if your products are checked in.  If the dot is red, in the log you can also see what the error is and what needs to be done.