Colorway Status Rules (Drop & Discontinue)
The below rules control the active/discontinued product lines in the ERP system
- New article for the season that will NOT be commercialized
- Adopted or Not change colorway status to “Dropped”
- If you drop a product/color where the data has previously been sent to STRAUB, when the product is Dropped, along with changing the colorway status, change the Straub Production Cancelled flag to “Yes.” We need to do this so Straub knows not to photograph the article.
- The product is commercialized in a season
- The product is coming to the end of its lifespan
- Ron or Julie can liquidate the product
- At the “Mary-Ann” Cruz meeting three months after the season launch, the decision is made to discontinue the product à Change the colorway status to “Discontinued”
Remove from Season
- A carry forward article from the previous season but choosing not to range in the new season
- Remove the color from the new season (like you did in years past) and leave “Active” in the earlier seasons
Reactivating a Product - If you want to bring back a discontinued or dropped product
- Discontinued - Carry Over to the desired season and change colorway status to “Active.” If you do not want the remaining ATS inventory sold by Ron or Julie, change the change colorway status to “Active” for the season in which it is discontinued
- Dropped - Carry Over to the desired season and change colorway status to “Active.” Adopt the product if it is not adopted
A couple of notes to be aware of when we turn on the automation:
- In PTC, no product should be discontinued in future seasons or the current season if it is before the Mary-Ann Cruz discontinuation meeting
- The status of an article in the last season in which it exists will determine its status in Sage. In other words, the last season’s status trumps all earlier seasons
- If you deactivate a specific size in the size/UPC table, that article will be changed to discontinued
- Sourcing should never place factory purchase orders for a product that is not active nor in a current/future season
- Discontinued Status should only be changed when we want to end a product’s life. This means that all products in FW22 and beyond should be either be active or dropped, not discontinued