Create Design Boards - Excel Spreadsheet Changes

The below steps need to occur to the Excel output from PTC for Design Boards:

  1. Download the Product Info - CR2 Data view for the desired season
    1. Ensure only active colorways are selected
  2. In Excel
    1. Remove Row 1 & Column 1
    2. Remove Duplicate Colorway Unique IDs
    3. Every Row requires the model level forecast
      1. Copy the data to a new worksheet
        1. Delete all columns except Work #, Wholesale Forecast, and Clearance Forecast
        2. Add Wholesale and Clearance together to create the total
        3. Remove all rows containing a total of zero
        4. Using an Exact formula, identify if there are any duplicate work #s (this is a result of forecasts being loaded to two different colorways).  Determine the correct value and delete the duplicate row
        5. VLookup Forecasts to the Wholesale Forecast Column and fill
          1. Replace #N/A with 0
    4. The InDesign template references the Wholesale Forecast column from the spreadsheet
      1. If Clearance is to be included, the two columns are to be added together and placed in the Wholesale column
    5. Update Margins
      1. BOS Underwear Copy Kohl's Margin to Avg Margin Column
      2. All OG Articles, copy Footlocker Marching to Avg Margin Column